


Appliance gas 溢出 happens when appliances spill harmful gasses into your home. 泄漏的原因可能令人困惑,所以我们来分析一下.


Our home 能源审计 customers are often surprised to learn that energy efficiency and health and safety are connected. This is especially true if you have a natural draft or atmospherically vented water heater or heating system.

大多数时候, 一个自然的牵伸系统是不节能的, and it risks the health and safety of your home through a process called “combustion gas 溢出,或“溢漏”.

The causes of 溢出 can be confusing, so we’ve broken it down below.

底线是泄漏是有问题的, 它甚至可能是危险的, 所以你应该采取适当的措施来阻止它在你家里发生. The good news is that solving a 溢出 issue will not only keep your family safe but often also makes your equipment more energy efficient.

Watch the video below for a visual explanation of appliance gas 溢出 and heating system safety.


Furnaces, boilers, and water heaters burn natural gas in order to produce heat. When the equipment in your home burns natural gas, it leaves behind waste such as carbon monoxide. 在理想的情况下, the waste leaves your home via a vent or flue that sits just above the appliance and leads outside (often through your chimney). 当100%的垃圾离开你的家时,就不会有泄漏. Spillage only occurs when some or all of that waste is unable to escape to the outside.

Natural draft or atmospherically vented equipment has a harder time removing 100 percent of the gas waste because it relies only on hot gases’ buoyancy for them to travel up the vent and out of the home. This equipment will always run the risk of spilling because the gases are not completely sealed from your living space, and there is no fan or motor forcing these gases out the flue to the outside.

当废物无法逃脱, the waste gas can spill back down the vent and into your living space via the gap between the vent and the appliance. This gap is present on all natural draft or atmospherically vented appliances.  

不幸的是, there are many circumstances that can prevent this waste gas from escaping and allow it to spill into your home. 废气中含有一氧化碳等有害污染物, 哪一个, 如果它溅到你家里, 降低空气质量,甚至可能导致健康问题.

CEE strongly recommends that you take the proper steps to stop any combustion gas 溢出 in your home. 随着你的电器使用年限的延长,废物的溢出会变得更糟. 不要拿你的健康和安全冒险.


If you are concerned that your natural draft water heater or heating system may be spilling into your home, 训练有素的专业人员可以提供帮助.

Minnesota Xcel Energy and CenterPoint Energy customers can have their equipment tested during an 能源审计 由认证的能源审计师.

如果您有其他公用事业提供商,他们可能会提供类似的服务. If no audit is available to you or if you have a safety issue and need to replace your equipment immediately, work with a heating or plumbing contractor to install sealed and power-vented equipment.


The best way to stop 溢出 is to upgrade to a sealed combustion heating system and a power-vented water heater. 具有密封燃烧和动力排气, 废气与你的生活空间完全隔绝, 所以不可能发生泄漏. Some units also have a motor or fan that forces the waste outside through the vent or flue.


Generally, installation of most power vented water heaters costs between $1,800 and $2,220. 高效和密封燃烧炉的价格通常从3美元起,500 to $6,000, 而高效锅炉的成本在7美元,000元及10元,000.

If you live in Minnesota and have natural draft equipment that is spilling waste into your home, CEE’s Lending Center can help you finance these replacement projects with our 非营利性贷款选择.

许多公用事业公司还提供 退税 适用于高效热水器、熔炉和锅炉. 经常检查你的项目是否有资格获得退税.


所有天然通风设备都有可能发生泄漏. 然而,在某些条件下,更有可能发生泄漏. 如果你的设备溢出来了, find out what is causing the 溢出 and work with trained professionals to correct it. 以下情况通常会导致溢漏:

  • 斜率问题. A water heater vent needs to have the proper rise in order for gravity to force the waste product outside. 一个通风口应该有最小的向上斜率1/4”上升每英尺的运行. 它不应该下垂或下沉. 也应避免使用长水平部分的通风口. A heating contractor may be able to fix the problem by replacing your vent; however, the best option is to still upgrade to a power-vented or sealed combustion system.
  • 孤儿发泄. If you upgraded an old furnace to a high-efficiency model that now vents out the side of the house, you likely left your naturally drafting water heater vent orphaned in the chimney it used to share with the old furnace vent. By itself, it may no longer be able to draft the waste from the water heater. If this is the problem, make plans to upgrade your water heater to a power-vented model.
  • 其他排气设备. A naturally drafting water heater or heating system relies solely on the buoyancy of hot gas to rise and remove the waste up and out the flue. 经常, this cannot compete with other stronger exhaust systems like a kitchen range hood, 浴的粉丝, 或者干衣机, 它们有强大的风扇和马达,可以去除食物的气味, 烟雾缭绕的空气, 还有家里的湿气. 当一个或多个这样的球迷或汽车正在运行, they can force your water heater to spill into your home by pulling gases back down the flue. 如果在这种情况下,炉子或热水器泄漏, 升级设备是很重要的. Until it is replaced, avoid running multiple exhaust equipment fans at once.

你可以阅读更多靠谱的外围竞猜app这些和其他条件 结构技术博客文章. Note that in this blog, they have used the alternate term “backdrafting” to describe 溢出.


If your 能源审计or recommends that you switch to sealed combustion appliances or informs you of any safety issues with your current system, 你应该改变你的家的利益的安全.

也, 如果你绝缘或空气密封你的家, 作为这项工作的一部分,升级到密封和动力通风模型. While insulation may seem unrelated to water heaters and heating systems, 它使你的家更紧密, 哪一种会增加因泄漏引起问题的可能性, 因为废气会被困在里面.

最后, 如果你的自然通风设备不溢出, you should upgrade to sealed combustion versions when you replace the equipment due to age or failure. CEE建议在使用10到12年后更换热水器, 20年后的熔炉, 还有25年后的锅炉.

最后, 如果对燃烧气体溢出有任何疑问, remember that CEE’s free Energy Advisor Service is here to bring clarity to your project. 拨打612-244-2484或通过下面的“询问我们”按钮与他们联系.




More details on how energy is used in your home, including solving 溢出 issues.


热水器回缩,第2部分/ 2





靠谱的外围竞猜app家庭能源的问题? 大家一起说!